April 20, 2009

Regrets? Kinda...

So my time in Florida, almost everyday I bitched and complained to my friends how much I couldn't stand living there. Didn't have anything to do? This god damn place sucks. Too hot? I hate this weather, where is the snow? There is tax on clothing? Pffft, Pa doesn't have that, ridiculous.

Hahaha, I swear that happened almost everyday. You know what though? I miss it. Every time I see new shots of my friends on myspace, facebook, etc... I miss it. I miss that hot and humid ass weather. I miss the beach, the amazing clouds in the sky all day and every day. I miss all my photo spots, my photo contacts, every thing. What the hell is going on in my head. I hate that place, why do I miss it so damn much? Maybe its the fact I had a job and made money to support my expensive hobby/side paying job. Na, its more like I miss all my friends that I made in that year and a half I lived there. Wait...I do miss the beach and amazing clouds in the sky which provided photo goodness everyday.

Yaya's, can't forget Yayas.

Since I have nothing new to post about here are some old shots from that horrible place I spent a year and five months in...

Tropical Storm Fay

Atop the Roof
Weather ManWalkway to Paradise 2
Something Bad Comes This Way
Tabitha Out Take 1