January 14, 2010

Oh Yea I have a Blog

Wow, haven't posted anything in months. To be honest, I really thought I lost my passion for a while. My last shoot was July...I think? Since then, the camera has only collected dust. The D90 did come with me to NYC when I took Alyssa up for a visit. Only thing that came from that was figuring out my camera is broken. Great news I know. Put it back on the shelf to collect dust and haven't touched it since. Actually, its sitting in a box ready to be shipped out to Nikon, but just need to get around to shipping it.

December came and went. Figured since I was driving to Florida to see the family and girl for Christmas I'd want to bring my camera. Maybe, just maybe it was a fluke. Maybe it was just me. I forgot how to use my camera. Blew the dust off, put a battery in the grip, and threw a lens on. Took some shots and guess what? Same focusing issues. What the ****? There is no way I'm going to Florida without a camera. What do I do? Ship it out and MAYBE have it back in time for my trip? This drove me crazy, kept me up all night for days. Well I must still have that passion if I'm losing sleep over a broken camera. What do I do?

I go out and buy a new one. Brand new D90, I love you. Maybe a new lens and flash also? Sure. I was ready for my trip. Finally getting sleep again, I was ready to start shooting again.

Well anyway, I'm still in a creative block kinda. I have plenty of people who want to shoot, I just don't feel like I am ready. I know, shits weak. But here are some shots from my trip back to Florida. Didn't get to shoot as much as I hoped, but I did get to see most of my friends. That was priority number 1. Still going through and editing stuff some expect more soon.

She Brightens My Day

Just another day...




And a video from Yaya's with good friends and my love. No real point here.